Name of the Day

Name of the Day

Our way of paying it forward and making people smile to offer a free coffee to one lucky name group a day, so far we have had Eliza's, Henry's, Sophie's, Max's, Helen's, David's, Jacquie's, Anna's, Sam's, Josh's, Jess's, Charlotte's, Tom's, Hannah's, Ed's, Emma's, Ava's Jacob's, Eva's Bryce's, Barry's & Kate's. It's not only fun to receive a free coffee but for us it starts the conversation with our customers, allowing us to learn your names and having our store becoming a place you want to visit on your morning rounds. 


Now, we also understand that not everyone has a 'common' or 'mainstream' name so we think it's time introduce a name of the day jar - this way if you want your name to eventually be name of the day, whether it's as common as Kate or as rare as Brita we have got you all covered. Pop in store to add your name to the name of the day jar in both our store.